B2B SaaS Growth Summit:
Drive More Revenue, With Less Budget
Join us, your favorite SaaS brands, and an intimate group of B2B SaaS marketers @ Google, Playa Vista on Friday, September 22nd, 11:00am sharp.
Join Us In-Person @ Google's Playa
Vista Office in Los Angeles with Other B2B
SaaS Marketers
Get real 1st party data from the leading B2B SaaS companies that are leading the way today.
The Agenda, Custom Made
For Today's B2B Marketer
Learn from KlientBoost's latest data, Google's most recent advancements, Mutiny's track record, and Metadata's audience powers.
Learn from KlientBoost’s latest B2B SaaS data and be the first to witness the sustainable growth framework that helps you win faster today, and tomorrow.
Hear from Mutiny on best practices on how AI and web personalization at scale helps high growth companies directly impact revenue, without increasing budget.
Learn the messaging and positioning framework that will have your marketing perform better today and bullet-proof it for the future.
See the latest B2B SaaS data that is coming from KlientBoost Labs. Get the fast wins, regardless of where your funnel focus is.
Drew & Emir will show you how to track, visualize, and forecast marketing so you can prove value, grow budget, scale campaigns, and drive more revenue.
Advancements in AI has made the Google ad platform smarter and perform better with less data. See how your 1st party data can work harder and drive more revenue and pipeline.
Is Your Marketing Mature Enough To Sustain Growth?
We're unveiling our Marketing Maturity Mountain. Heck, we built the entire summit around it. What is it? A strategic roadmap to help you avoid sales plateaus, stack target segments and markets, and sustain growth long term.
Full Agenda
- 11:00Registration & Snacks
- 12:00Opening Keynote: State of B2B SaaS Marketing (Johnathan Dane, CEO, KlientBoost)
- 12:30Lead To Sales Mapping w/ 1st Party Data + Smart Bidding (Charly Rubio, Regional Product Lead, Google)
- 1:45Measurement Maturity In 9 Simple Steps (Drew Leahy & Emir Atli, Head of Product Marketing & Co-Founder, HockeyStack)
- 2:15B2B SaaS Has a Redundancy Problem. And That’s a Problem (Tony Flores, Senior B2B SaaS Account Manager, KlientBoost)
- 2:45KlientBoost Labs - B2B SaaS Marketing Experiments From 1st Party Data (Layla Lameijer, Director of Innovation, KlientBoost)
- 3:15Increase ROAS with Personalization (June Castro, Senior Growth Strategist, Mutiny)
- 4:00Closing Remarks + Q&A
- 4:30Happy Hour
Secure Your Spot Before We Run Out of Space
This is your chance to get 1st party data on what works efficiently today while mingling with other smart B2B SaaS marketers in the coolest office ever built.
- Date:Friday, September 22nd, 2023
- Time:11:00AM - 7:00PM
- Location:Google
Playa Vista: 16 S Campus Center Dr
Los Angeles
CA 90094