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Single Keyword Ad Groups (SKAGs): The Best Way to Get More Clicks

Written by Johnathan Dane
CEO & Founder

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You don't have to be a bread lover like me to understand the value of a perfectly sliced loaf.

Slicing bread makes it easier to handle, easier to enjoy, and way easier to rub on your face.

You’ll want to slice up your Google Ads account into Single Keyword Ad Groups because segmentation makes your campaigns more manageable and easier to improve.

Sliced neatly, your Google Ads campaigns start to look like this:

Sliced up Google Ads get a better CTR, lower CPC, and higher CVR.
Sliced up Google Ads get a better CTR, lower CPC, and higher CVR.

Not bad, right?

SKAGs are the best thing to happen to Google Ads, since………......sliced bread. 

And here are16 reasons why:

  1. More manageable
  2. Easier to improve
  3. Ad relevance
  4. No message mismatch
  5. Super specific
  6. Works for display network
  7. Higher performance
  8. No Iceberg Effect
  9. Keyword refinement
  10.  Decrease discrepancy ratio
  11.  Stronger foundation than your competitors
  12.  Micro-segmentation produces week-over-week reliability
  13.  No research required (you only work on root keyword variations)
  14.  Cloning in the editor makes SKAG work easy
  15.  Optimize SKAGs with little effort
  16.  Allows you to track which keywords lead to sales with higher confidence (for SaaS or lead gen advertisers)

Pretty spiffy.

Since we're a digital marketing agency, we've tested different versions of SKAGs and some other ad group structures (because that's how we bake), and we want to share them with you in this post.

Let’s turn your ad campaigns into a fine-tuned bread-making machine.


SKAGs sound like dirty keywords, but they're one of the best ways to get more ad clicks. More ad clicks are great because that increases your click-through rate (CTR), quality score (QS), and the money you make How you structure your Google Ads account is vital to your PPC success. SKAGs are the way to go because an ad group with a single keyword makes your ads more relevant.  You could be a lazy baker, baking whole loaves and leaving them in the pan. Or you could divide that loaf into slices (which takes a little more work but makes eating bread easier). By the end of this page, you’ll have the best sliced bread this side of the bakery.


Four words: Bundles minimize message match.

Bundling a bunch of keywords in one ad group makes it next to impossible to win a message match—that's the bolded text that makes your ad the most noticeable of all the ads. That bolding happens when a search query exactly matches the keyword you bid on that triggered your ad to show. 

If your bid keyword matches the search term, you're rewarded with an ad that stands out. Get it slightly wrong though, and your ad doesn't get any special treatment. 

A Single Keyword Ad Group is like a crazy bronco in a pen waiting for that gate to open so it can buck in front of clickers' faces. But stuffing many keywords into one ad group automatically relegates your ads to that guy in the clown suit. 

Some people in the crowd notice when Clownsy dances around, flailing his arms to get the bull's attention. But Bobo isn't the main attraction. If you're putting money down on ads, bet on the bull, not the clown.

SKAGs are super-specific—only one keyword triggers an ad. 

And here's the best thing:

The SKAGs strategy isn't bound to Google Ads. It works for social ads (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.) and display networks too.

Why you're switching to SKAGs

You want more control and higher performance from your Google Ads account. SKAGs are how you get that. 

Giving a keyword its own ad group guarantees the keyword you bid on matches the search term you pay for. 

If you give me exactly 5 minutes of your time, I'll break it down in video: 

If you don't do it this way, you'll suffer something I call “The Iceberg Effect.” (Seriously, read that article.)

You've seen Titanic (don't pretend you haven't). You know that icebergs aren't great when trying to get somewhere.

Single Keyword Ad Groups are just that—one keyword per ad group

But you'll select two match types for that one keyword in that specific Single Keyword Ad Group.

You follow me?

Let's say you sell custom-made Speedos (because many people sadly wear them). Here's what your SKAG should look like:

  1. “custom made speedos” (phrase match)
  2. [custom made speedos] (exact match)

Call this SKAG “Custom Made Speedos” (same name as the keyword in the ad group). This will be your root keyword ad group for that search term.

Notice that I didn't say keywords (plural)

If you didn't already, read about The Iceberg Effect so you appreciate the difference.

Keyword refinement

But what if you find that the search terms people use when searching for Speedos have longer tails than the keyword in your SKAG? 

Well then, hooray, and way to observe what's going on. 

This is good. 

Extract those search terms and create a new SKAG. 

That's called “keyword refinement.”

Let's walk through it: 

Say you notice quite a few people search for “Custom made glitter Speedos.” [Shudder]

First of all, that's some fancy clientele there, savvy Speedo seller. 

Secondly, go ahead and create a SKAG out of the search term report for the “Custom Made Speedos” SKAG.

Make sure glitter is an ad group-level negative keyword to your original “Custom Made Speedos” SKAG. That way, your shorter-tail keywords won't steal impressions from your more specific long-tail keywords.

Now here comes the good part…

You control your keywords. That means you get to make your ad copy insanely specific to your keywords.

In my original SKAGs article from 2014, I used Nutella as an example of how you should include the keyword in your headline and display URL. If you run out of character space, add it somewhere in the description lines.

The keyword for this SKAG is "Nutella crepe recipes“
The keyword for this SKAG is "Nutella crepe recipes“

Decrease the discrepancy ratio

With SKAGs, you reduce something called the discrepancy ratio. That's the amount of disconnect from search to keyword and from keyword to ad. Reducing that discrepancy is a good thing. It's the opposite of The Iceberg Effect.

Notice in this example how the search terms never match the keyword. That's bad.
Notice in this example how the search terms never match the keyword. That's bad.

When you reduce discrepancy, your search terms start matching your keywords. 

Go grab a celebratory sandwich or something, fellow PPC marketers, because getting to this stage means you've fixed a major problem in your PPC campaigns.

This is when your click-through rates (CTRs) skyrocket because you don't have 10-50 keywords stuffed into one ad group, all competing to be relevant for one ad.

And when your CTRs improve, there are other spinoff benefits too.

Like what, Johnathan?

Well, I didn't want to half-ass that answer, so I listed 19 benefits below. But first, I want to talk about how SKAGs work for social ads and display ads. 

SKAGs improve managed PPC search performance and build a stronger foundation than your competitors' campaigns. 

But guess what? 

This granular structure works wonders for social marketing ads and display SEM campaigns too.

Maybe you haven't broken down your Automatic placements in a Google Ads Display campaign before. Maybe you haven't segmented your audiences and interests in your Facebook campaign before. But if you use SKAGs, you'll start to see what's performing well and what isn't quickly.

Are your Automatic placements all over the place?
Are your Automatic placements all over the place?

You can then break out individual placements and interests to create micro-segments of targeting that produce predictable results week over week.

After your agency PPC account is granular (with SKAGs and other types of micro-segmentation), your next big PPC win will be on the landing page side

That's the side that completes your conversion—so get your landing pages right. Completed conversions mean you can stop finagling with silly bid modifications and pointless ad tests that don't move the needle.

You will be confident that you have a strong that many of your competitors are too lazy to set up—they're still baking whole fluffy loaves.


Pre-SKAGs: how to get started

You need two things to create your Single Keyword Ad Groups: 

  1. Root keywords 
  2. Google Ads Editor

Root keywords

Also called seed keywords, these are the shortest-tail keywords you bid on.

Let's say that you're an online college and you want to use SKAGs to attract potential students. 

Your root keywords look like this:

  • online college
  • online university
  • online degree
  • online school
  • etc.

Notice that these are root keywords because you wouldn't want to bid on “online” by itself or “school” by itself. They're the shortest of short-tail keywords that you want to use.

Now, take it one step further.

Branch out your root keywords with synonyms. Your original root keyword list might look like this:

  • online college
  • online university
  • online degree
  • online school
  • online academy
  • online seminar
  • online classes
  • online courses

Now, replace “online” with “web”:

  • web college
  • web university
  • web degree
  • web school
  • web academy
  • web seminar
  • web classes
  • web courses

If you have more synonyms, keep going:

  • digital college
  • digital university
  • digital degree
  • digital school
  • digital academy
  • digital seminar
  • digital classes
  • digital courses

Here's the best part: don't worry about keyword research, average CPCs, or competition levels. A SKAG setup gets you a high-quality score, so research here is a waste of time. You'll only need to research synonyms and the like to expand your root keyword list.

Google Ads Editor

If you don't have Google Ads Editor installed yet, grab it here

You'll need it for this next step.

Open up Google Ads Editor and download your Google Ads account. That's where we'll create our first new SKAG.

Google Ads Editor: The keywords

Crash course on keyword match types:

Broad match, phrase match, and exact match
Broad match, phrase match, and exact match

Keyword match types give you ad flexibility. With Broad Match, related keywords trigger your ad. With Phrase match, your ad triggers when the keyword is included in the search term. With Exact match, your ad triggers when the search term exactly matches the bid keyword.

But what happened to Broad Match Modifier (BMM)?

If you've advertised on Google before, you're used to adding + modifiers to your broad match keywords. But BMM got the axe in July 2021. 

Google Ads merged broad match modifier (BMM) into phrase match. 

“The updated phrase match simplifies match types by combining the control of phrase match, and the expanded reach of broad match modifier. The new matching behavior will be more expansive than phrase match, but slightly more restrictive than BMM.” Google Ads

Bye-bye broad match modifier (now word order matters more than ever)
Bye-bye broad match modifier (now word order matters more than ever)—Source

But why give broad match modifiers the boot? 

Google says it will make managing ads easier and give advertisers more control. 

But many advertisers have been vocal about how this smells like a move toward automated smart bidding (which gives Google more control). Advertisers worry about wasted ad spend (lower ) without modified broad match. 

Your phrase match keyword may trigger your ad for searches that aren't as easily controlled, which will potentially lower ad relevance. 

We'll have to test it out to tell. 

What's important is that you know that you now have two match types to play with. 

How you set up your SKAGs in the Google Ads Editor:

Use one keyword with two different keyword match types

  1. “phrase match” 
  2. [exact match] 
Two different match types (set phrase match and exact match)
Online college with two different match types: Click on the Ad Group, then click on Keywords & Targeting > Add keyword (set phrase match and exact match)

Three reasons you need two different match types

Including the above match types in each of your SKAGs is important for three reasons:

  1. If someone looks for a longer tail version of a search term that triggers your phrase match keyword, your ad will be the most relevant ad possible in your account.
  2. If you split up your SKAGs by match type (turning one ad group into two), you dilute your data collection, and ad testing will be even harder. The granularity of SKAGs already dilutes your ad testing potential, and you'll need enough data from testing to establish statistical significance.
  3. Each match performs differently, so it allows you to adjust bids to achieve your desired CPA.

Google Ads Editor: The bids

Next, set your bids at the same amount. As performance data starts to come in, adjust the bids to improve your campaigns.

Responsive Search Ads (RSAs): Updated Google Ads Best Practices

Google Ads have evolved, and it’s time to update our strategies to reflect these changes. With Expanded Text Ads (ETAs) being phased out, Responsive Search Ads (RSAs) are now the default ad format. Here’s how to create high-performing RSAs that align with the latest best practices:

Rule 1: Diversify Your Headlines and Descriptions

RSAs allow you to input up to 15 headlines and 4 descriptions. This flexibility enables Google’s machine learning to test different combinations and determine what works best for your audience.

Here’s what you should do:

  • Write unique headlines that highlight various value propositions, features, or benefits.
  • Ensure your descriptions emphasize different angles, such as offers, problem-solving features, or trust factors (e.g., “free shipping” or “trusted by thousands”).
  • Make sure each headline and description stands alone—Google can mix and match them in any order, so they need to make sense independently.

Rule 2: Strategic Use of Keywords

Including keywords in your ads is still important, but the rigid approach of always putting the keyword in Headline 1 is outdated.

Modern Keyword Placement Tips:

  • Incorporate your primary keyword naturally across various headlines. It doesn’t have to always be in Headline 1.
  • Use keyword variations to target broader search intent and reach more users.
  • Focus on compelling and relevant copy—prioritize connection with the audience over keyword stuffing.

Rule 3: Optimize Ad Strength

Google provides an “ad strength” metric for RSAs, evaluating their diversity and potential performance. Aim for a “Good” or “Excellent” rating to maximize effectiveness.

How to Improve Ad Strength:

  • Include at least 8-10 unique headlines and 3-4 descriptions.
  • Ensure a mix of keywords, calls to action, and creative hooks in your copy.
  • Regularly monitor your ad’s performance and make adjustments as needed.

Rule 4: Use Pinning Sparingly

Pinning allows you to control which headlines or descriptions appear in specific positions, but overuse can limit the potential combinations that Google can test.

When to Pin:

  • If critical information (e.g., a legal disclaimer or location) must appear in every ad, pin it.
  • Use pinning only when necessary to maintain flexibility for optimization.

Rule 5: Leverage Ad Extensions

Ad extensions, like sitelinks, callouts, and structured snippets, provide additional ways to enhance your ad’s relevance and click-through rate (CTR).

Tips for Using Extensions:

  • Add extensions that align with your ad’s main message, such as highlighting promotions or providing links to specific pages.
  • Use extensions to create a more compelling user experience, making your ad stand out from competitors.

Why RSAs Work Better

Unlike the single-set format of ETAs, RSAs dynamically combine headlines and descriptions to deliver personalized ads based on user intent. This approach improves CTR and Quality Score while reducing the need to create multiple ad variations manually.

Here’s an example:

  • Old ETA: “Buy Affordable Running Shoes | Free Shipping | Trusted by Runners”
  • New RSA: Mix and match headlines like “Buy Affordable Running Shoes,” “Free Shipping on All Orders,” and “Trusted by Thousands of Runners” with different descriptions, such as “Shop Now for Exclusive Deals” or “Your Favorite Brands at Discount Prices.”

By doing this, Google automatically delivers the most relevant ad variation to each user.

Once You've Set Up Your Keywords and Ads

Now that your SKAGs and RSAs are live, it’s time to monitor performance. Look at metrics like CTR, Quality Score, and conversion rates to refine your approach. By embracing both SKAGs for structure and RSAs for flexibility, you’re equipped to maximize performance in today’s Google Ads landscape.

18 benefits of Single Keyword Ad Groups (SKAGs)

The specificity of SKAGs ads will improve your PPC performance in a few different ways. We've collected some of our favorites here:

1. A simple blueprint for success

When you create all-new campaigns in the Single Keyword Ad Group format, you make it easy to control where your keywords go.

There are no themes or groupings of keywords to consider. Since you'll never add new keywords to a SKAG, you'll only focus on creating brand new SKAGs.

This makes your campaign blueprint super simple to follow and easy to teach.

2. Compounding improvements

The Google Ads graph screenshots I shared earlier show early improvement from using the SKAG methodology. But, eventually, you'll hit a point of diminishing returns.

Diminishing returns with SKAGs are more like compounding improvements

As you continue to create SKAGs in descending order of search term impressions, you'll find that your overall account health continues to get stronger over time as all the important metrics in your account start improving.

3. Improved click-through rates

When you lower the discrepancy ratio for search terms to keywords and keywords to ads, you'll start to see that visitors are more likely to click on your ads because you're using your ad as a “keyword holder.” 

This means that your rates (CTRs) will improve since no one reads all the ads in their entirety before clicking

And when you improve your CTRs, other magical things happen…

4. Improved Quality Scores (QS)

You hopefully know by now that the biggest part of the Google Ads Quality Score is CTR.

Once your Quality Scores improve with SKAGs, you'll start seeing that your average positions, cost per click, impression shares, and other great things improve as well.

Pro Tip: If you're not familiar with Google Ads' Quality Score, read our post on Google Ad Quality Score Factors

5. Improved average positions

Once your CTRs and Quality Scores improve, you'll notice that Google starts rewarding you with higher average positions.

This is when you start outranking your competitors, even if your keyword bid is lower

That's because Google cares a ton about user experience. 

Your improved CTRs are a great indicator that people like the ad results you've worked hard to create.

6. Improved impression shares

When Quality Scores and average position improve, your impression shares start growing as well.

There are a certain number of impressions available for certain keywords, and your ads are showing more often and more frequently.

7. Lower cost per click (CPC)

You want to lower your average cost per click (CPC) without lowering your bids. One of the great side benefits of SKAGs is that improved Quality Scores give you lowered First Page Bids (FPBs), which you can see in Optmyzr's calculation below:

keywords help
The lower your Quality Score drops, the higher your costs—Source

Google discounts your CPCs when they see that your Quality Scores are higher than your competitor, with your relevancy being better too.

8. Lowered cost per acquisition (CPA)

When you lower cost per click, you ultimately lower your cost per conversion. Further explanation not required.

9. Potentially higher conversion rates

When you expose search terms as new keywords and decrease your Search term to Keyword discrepancy ratio, you immediately increase your control and bid options for keywords with different conversion rates and intents.

You can pause any wasteful keywords and lower bids on lower-performing keywords. That increases your conversion rates because a larger share of your clicks are likely to convert.

10. Increased conversion volume

Higher CTRs mean more clicks, and more clicks mean more conversions. High fives. More winning. 

11. You know your traffic better

As mentioned above, increasing the CTRs of your paid campaigns will increase your conversion volume. Add a little to ensure a strong message match and you should see your conversion rates start to climb as well.

Another great benefit of SKAGs is that split testing is easier. When you're using SKAGs, you have a much clearer picture of who your visitors are and what they want. This guides your CRO efforts and informs what changes you test.

12. Control your landing page experience

SKAGs point out which users click on your ads. With that information, you can personalize their landing page experience and narrow in on the one thing you want them to do when they land there.

Ideally, you'll create a streamlined experience that keeps your potential customers focused on the same goal, from clicking on your ad to converting on your page.

When all your important Google Ads metrics are moving in the right direction, and your search terms are being exposed, you'll have to add fewer and fewer negative keywords over time.

Having your search terms as keywords also helps you understand the closing and sales rates of your keywords (not conversion rates) if you're in the SaaS or lead gen space.

13. Increased levels of control

Single Keyword Ad Groups are granular, which means you give Google less control and take that control over yourself.

Since Google recommends that you use 10-20 keywords per ad group, you're immediately able to make sure that all your keywords have less search term variance.

Bad advice from Google, but that's how they make more money.
Bad advice from Google, but that's how they make more money.

14. Scale simplicity

Scaling your search presence is easy with SKAGs.

Instead of creating entirely new campaigns, ad groups, and ad variants to target new opportunities, all you have to do is look at your search terms report for new, soon-to-be SKAGs.

Ensuring that there's no cross-over by using ad group level negative keywords will keep you safe from internal competition and allow your SKAGs campaigns to scale up easily.

15. Identify retargeting opportunities

The granularity of your SKAGs makes it easier to grow and optimize your campaigns. Granularity also works well when you identify your wins and losses.

It's easier to identify the specific keywords (or products if you're running eCommerce SPAGs) that generate the highest CTRs and conversions.

More importantly, it should make it easier to identify specific keywords where there's a drop-off between the two.

SKAG keywords discrepancies between your increased CTR and conversion rates aren't losses. They're simply golden retargeting opportunities.

The audiences you (re)reach will be built on users who have already shown interest in your brand on a search level (where conversion intent is often highest).

Ensuring there's no cross-over by using ad group level negative keywords protects you from internal competition and allows your SKAGs campaigns to scale up easily.

16. Troubleshooting improvements

SKAGs make it black and white to figure out why certain keywords or ad groups are stealing impressions or not showing up on Google at all.

Every single ad group only has one keyword in it, making it quick and easy for you to run a keyword diagnosis to see what might be wrong.

17. Jump on the SKAGwagon

One small benefit of SKAGs that pays large dividends is that you get to join in on the SKAGs bandwagon — or “SKAGwagon,” as we like to call it.

Being unique and making yourself stand out from the crowd is the key to digital marketing success. There's a very good reason why so many different agencies have followed our lead and embraced SKAGs. 


When we wrote about SKAGs on Unbounce, we were the first to coin the term and the execution. Now, if you look at the SERP for “single keyword ad groups,” you see a flock of agencies fighting to rank for the phrase.

KlientBoost ranks #1 for SKAGs
KlientBoost ranks #1 for the keyword SKAGs
We don't plan on leaving the top anytime soon. 😉

All of these benefits add up to our final (and favorite) perk of using single keyword ad groups. 

18. Make more money

You and I both know there's no better metric than this one – more money.

When you lower your cost per conversion, you immediately increase your profit margins.

When you increase your conversion volume, you immediately increase your revenue as well.

SKAGs are the right dough to make more bread.

That's it.

But there are a few things I want to point out.

The downside of SKAGS

There are a few downsides to Single Keyword Ad Groups. They don't outweigh the positives (by a long shot), but they're still worth mentioning if you're going to get on the SKAGwagon. 

1. Data dilution

I touched on this earlier: one of the most notable drawbacks of SKAGs is the dilution of your tracking data.

You create a lot more ad groups. That means your clicks and conversions will spread across a wider pool of ads, and it will take longer to run trustworthy tests.

But SKAGs is a scientifically more accurate way to test things out because you isolate one variable at a time. 

A little more time, a lot more accuracy. 

2. SKAGs takes more time

So, yeah, Single Keyword Ad Groups is more time-consuming than adding regular keywords to an existing ad group from the search term report.

But don't second guess SKAGs.

And if you can't help it, test the SKAGs approach on your top five keywords. See how they perform against the same keywords that aren't set up in SKAGs.

If performance improves with SKAGs, there's your proof in the bread pudding. Continue confidently. 

3. SKAGs require more effort

To get the biggest benefit from SKAGs, you keep a close eye on search terms that don't match the keywords. And you use ad group-level negative keywords to make sure your shorter tail SKAGs aren't stealing away impressions. That's extra work. But well worth the effort. 

4. Testing takes longer

Ad testing might take longer since you don't get a condensed level of clicks from multiple keywords in the same ad group.

If you find that you can consistently improve the ads you test (which is rare), you can make your high traffic volume keywords into SKAGs and keep lower traffic volume keywords in broader ad groups.

5. Stupid people may laugh at you

You know how objects in your side view mirror are closer than they appear? Well loud, lazy people will always hate on those who get things done. Just look at Jon here:

single keyword ad groups comment
Don't be hatin', Jonny

Don't worry about the Jons. Do things that make you more money.

SKAGs is that thing 😉

Slice that bread 🥖

At the end of the day, you want to make more money. You might even want to make more money at the beginning and middle of the day too. We like that. Go for it.

The SKAGs approach will get you there slice by slice. It's good dough that makes great bread. 

Chapter 9:
Google Ads Tips

What You’ll Learn: Discover the unknown strategies we use to take your Google Ads performance to a whole new level.

Chapter 10:
Google Ads Statistics

What You’ll Learn: Dive deep into the industry averages and see how you compare to the different industries that advertise through Google Ads.

Chapter 11:
Advanced Google Ads

What You’ll Learn: Ready to nerd out? Here are some of the more advanced things you can do to improve the performance of your Google Ads account.