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Landing Page Vs. Website (Homepage): Key Differences You Need to Know

Drew Leahy
Drew Leahy
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If you’re wondering when to use a landing page vs your website’s homepage, that’s a fair question because landing pages share a lot in common with website homepages.

Landing pages and website homepages are distant cousins: cousins share some of the same DNA, but they're different people with different strengths, weaknesses, and personalities. 

Think about it this way:

If your website's homepage is a crowded mall directory, your landing page is an eye-catching storefront. One provides access to a bunch of stores. The other is the store. 

They play different roles.

But which one do you need right now?


Landing pages are different beasts from homepages. We talk about how 7 different ways. In a nutshell, use landing pages for targeted campaigns and specific conversion goals because they’re optimized for action with limited navigation and focused messaging. Use website homepages for broad information, organic SEO, and providing multiple conversion paths for diverse audiences. You need both as part of your digital marketing strategy, and both play uniquely strong roles. We’ll show you how to  use those differences to your advantage.

What is a website homepage?

Asana homepage
Asana homepage

Think of your homepage like the online equivalent of a tri-fold brochure: it quickly and efficiently showcases everything you have to offer. It also acts as the entry point to your entire website, making it crucial for overall visibility.

It's the one piece of website real estate that everyone will visit eventually, no matter who they are, what they want, or where they came from. 

If homepages could talk, they would say: “Welcome. How can I help you?” 

Homepages are:

  • Evergreen: Though you may update your homepage, it will always live on your root domain (www.rootdomain.com).
  • Broad targeting: Homepages have to appeal to everyone who will see it, not just some of them.
  • Information-oriented: The primary goal of a homepage is to provide an overview of everything you offer, then direct visitors to the sections of your website most relevant to them.
  • Integrated: People can visit your homepage from anywhere on your site by clicking the logo in the top left or finding the link in your navigation. Everyone can see it, always. 
  • Out of your control: You can't control which customer segments land on your homepage or which marketing channels send traffic to it.

What is a landing page?

Asana landing page
Asana landing page

A landing page is a standalone web page used for specific marketing campaigns and optimized to increase conversions. Its primary goal is to guide visitors towards a specific action, contrasting with your homepage, which is more informational. Landing pages require

  • Persuasive copy
  • Attention-grabbing headlines
  • Social proof
  • Compelling call-to-actions (CTAs)
  • Specific user intent
  • None (or minimal) navigation

Landing pages come in two distinct types: 

If landing pages could talk, they would say, “This way or bust.” 

Landing pages are:

  • Campaign-based: Landing pages are ephemeral; they last as long as the marketing campaigns that drive traffic to them.
  • Narrow targeting: Landing pages target narrow audiences with narrow messages
  • Action-oriented: The primary goal of a landing page is to persuade visitors to take an immediate action. 
  • Siloed: Links to landing pages don't live in your website's navigation; you can only reach them via a campaign link.
  • Full-control: You can control who sees your landing pages and when. 

Benefits of creating landing pages

Creating landing pages can have a significant impact on your online marketing efforts:

Blurred lines

The truth: Landing pages and homepages have grown closer and closer in kind and function over the years. Mainly because marketers and web designers have grown privy to the principles of conversion-optimized design made famous by landing pages. 

Today, the lines between landing pages and homepages have blurred. 

For example, let's look at LeadPages' homepage vs. their landing page. 

Homepage: Click here to view full page screenshot 

Leadpages' homepage
Leadpages' homepage
Leadpages landing page 
Leadpages landing page 

What's the difference?

  • Both feature an attention-grabbing headline and enticing subheading above the fold
  • Both have clear CTAs 
  • Both showcase impactful results their product would provide to customers
  • Both use social proof in the form of client logos and testimonials

The only difference between the homepage and the landing page is that the landing page doesn't have a navigation menu or footer.

So what gives? If the lines between landing pages and homepages have grown fuzzy, what's the difference between the two? And when should you use one over the other?

Landing page vs website homepages: Key differences

While homepages and landing pages might closely resemble one another in certain instances, they differ in seven distinct and important ways: 

  1. Purpose  
  2. Traffic source
  3. Conversion goals 
  4. Exit links 
  5. Messaging
  6. Call-to-action 
  7. Crawlability 

1. Purpose

Landing page

The purpose of a landing page is to increase campaign conversions by tailoring messages and offers to specific audiences through targeted marketing campaigns. Unlike homepages, landing pages stay laser-focused on converting visitors into whatever conversion goal you decide:

  • Leads
  • Subscribers
  • Customers

Landing pages don't seek to satisfy everyone; they seek to satisfy specific people with specific goals. 

For example, Gusto's PPC landing page for the keyword “HR software” has one goal: to capture leads. 

Gusto landing page
Gusto landing page 


The purpose of your homepage is to satisfy the informational needs of the broad range of visitors who will encounter it. Which means no tailored messages or offers. 

Homepages provide a bird's eye view of everything you offer. Instead of satisfying a single source of traffic or need, they have to satisfy multiple.

For example, Gusto's homepage delivers a brief overview of everything Gusto offers, from payroll and hiring to time tools and health benefits. 

Gusto homepage
Gusto homepage

2. Traffic source

When it comes to your homepage, it’s open season for traffic sources: 

  • Organic search
  • Direct search
  • Referral
  • Social
  • Email
  • Internal links
  • Top navigation of your website

All roads lead to your homepage. 

For example, Monday.com’s homepage isn’t written for a specific type of customer.

Monday.com homepage
Monday.com homepage

But when it comes to your landing pages, only certain traffic sources will land there—namely PPC campaign traffic. And you have full control over who sees it and who doesn't. 

For example, Monday.com’s PPC lander gets traffic from paid ads only. It doesn't live within their website navigation, so no other source of traffic will see it. 

Monday.com PPC landing page
Monday.com PPC landing page

Typically, you'll only use landing pages for short-term campaigns or paid campaigns: 

When you control the traffic source, you control the message, too. 

Conversely, you'll almost never want to send paid campaign traffic to your homepage. It's too broad and untargeted. 

Using the Monday example, I entered “project management software” as a search term and their ad appeared. I clicked the ad and landed on their landing page. Monday knew what I wanted and where I was in the buyer's journey. Hence the narrow messaging: “Project management made easy”

But since their homepage needs to appeal to all traffic sources and segments, they don't know who I am or what I want, hence the broad messaging: “Made for work, designed to love.”

3. Conversion goals

Think of your homepage like Grand Central Station. Like a terminal, it transports visitors to every important page on your website. 

Since all traffic sources and customer segments will visit your homepage, it needs to provide conversion paths for all stages of the funnel and potential customers, not just one. 

Different strokes for different folks. 

Now think of a landing page like a silo: once you're in, the only way out is to convert on the offer. 

One stroke for a specific type of folk. 

Since you can fully control who visits your landing page (and who doesn't), you can tailor landing pages and offers to different stages of the buyer's journey and different customer segments. Consequently, you can offer a single path to conversion, not many. 

In other words, whereas a homepage includes dozens of conversion goals (e.g. get started, visit the blog, explore apps, try app, download guide), a landing page only includes one

For example, though the primary goal of the Wix homepage might be to convert visitors into users (“Get started”), it includes 14 different conversion goals with calls-to-action (not including the navigation): 

  1. Get started
  2. Explore Wix booking
  3. View all website templates
  4. Create an online store
  5. Create a free blog
  6. Try Wix logo maker
  7. Get customer domain names
  8. Find out more (SEO) 
  9. Email marketing
  10. Facebook ads
  11. Landing pages
  12. Wix analytics 
  13. Learn how to create a website 
  14. Explore the blog 
Wix homepage conversion goals
Just a few of Wix's homepage conversion goals

Makes sense, considering Wix's homepage has a lot of mouths to feed: 

  • eCommerce shop owners
  • Web developers
  • SEOs experts
  • Bloggers
  • Small business owners
  • Solopreneurs

But their landing page only includes one conversion goal (including the navigation): Start now

Wix landing page
One path to conversion: Start now

This also makes sense, considering that Wix only uses this landing page for PPC keywords with purchase intent (e.g. “website builder”). They know visitors want to buy, not browse, subscribe, download, or explore, making it a high-converting landing page. 

Why is a single conversion goal so important for landing pages? 

Because data shows that adding more than one goal can decrease conversion rates by 266. Yikes!

Like a single conversion goal, landing pages should only include one link to encourage visitors to take a specific action. 

No footer links. No navigation bar links. No social media links. 

One link: the CTA button that fulfills the conversion goal. 

Oli Gardner of refers to this ratio of links to the number of campaign conversion goals as a 1:1 Attention Ratio: 

“In an optimized campaign, your attention ratio should be 1:1. Because every campaign has one goal, every corresponding landing page should have only one call to action – one place to click.”

Website homepages, on the other hand, feature dozens, if not hundreds, of links in their navigation, body, and footer. 

For example, the Wix homepage has over 70 unique links pointing either to other pages on the website or social media profiles. 

Navigation: 50+ links

ClickUp’s homepage navigation have 50+ links
ClickUp’s homepage navigation have 50+ links

Footer: 40+ more links

ClickUp’s homepage footer has over 40 more links
ClickUp’s homepage footer has over 40 more links

Whereas, when we look at this landing page from Wix, aside from the “terms of services” and “privacy policy” links buried in the footer, the only other links on the page are

  1. A logo link to the homepage
  2. A CTA link to complete the conversion goal (“Get started”)

That's it. 

No distracting navigation, footer, or social media links at all.

Wix landing page links
Wix's landing page has two main links: homepage logo and CTA

5. Messaging

Since landing pages function as a destination for targeted campaign traffic, their messaging should tightly focus on a specific target audience's needs (no one else's). 

Which means matching headlines, copywriting, and CTAs to the ad copy that sent them there. 

For example, when I search for “booking software for salons” on Google, I find a relevant ad from GlossGenius:

Google ad copy
Ad copy matches search query

When I click through to the landing page, their messaging perfectly matches my search query: 

GlossGenius landing page
Tightly targeted message on GlossGenius' landing page 

Now juxtapose that with their homepage: 

GlossGenius hompage
Broad message on their homepage

Broader message for a broader audience. 

Turns out GlossGenius offers a lot more than just booking. But since they knew I only cared about booking (based on my search query), their landing page tailored the messaging accordingly. 

6. Call-to action

Since homepages focus on information and landing pages focus on action, both use calls-to-action (CTAs) differently. 

A landing page should include an action-oriented CTA that communicates a benefit or motivates visitors to convert on an offer. 

For example, on our PPC agency landing page, we use a clear and compelling CTA that you can’t help but hit: “Get your free PPC ads plan.”

KlientBoost landing page CTA
KlientBoost landing page CTA

Since homepages don't promote specific offers or specific segments (unless you sell one product), our CTAs tend to skew generic. 

For example, on our homepage, rather than focus on a specific marketing speciality, we offer a “Free marketing plan” CTA.

KlientBoost homepage CTA
KlientBoost homepage CTA

Heck, in some cases, depending on the industry, homepages don't even include strong or compelling CTAs. 

For example, Hims, the online prescription drug dealer (AKA telehealth company), doesn't feature a single compelling CTA on their homepage. That's because they offer dozens of prescriptions products and treatments, and the purpose of their homepage is to showcase them all. 

7. Crawlability

Considering you'll primarily use landing pages for paid campaigns, you'll want to set them to “noindex,” which means search engines can't crawl, index, or rank them in search results. 

For example, when we inspect the code of this Pipe landing page, we can see they set the robots txt to “noindex”:

Pipe landing page
Pipe landing page set to “noindex” in the HTML

One of the many benefits of landing pages is that you can tightly control who sees them and who can't. 

If landing pages ranked in search, organic traffic would dilute your paid campaign conversions, making it harder to measure campaign performance. 

Homepages, on the other hand, function as the primary hub for your SEO to ensure you’re ranking across. Not only do they rank, but they attract more links than any other page on your website. 

When to use landing pages or website homepages

Ok, not that you know how landing pages differ from homepages, when should you use one over the other?

It depends. 

A lot of times, it will come down to resources or preference. 

But other times, you'll definitely want to use one over the other. 

Bottom line: There is no definitive “better” or “worse” option. Both landing pages and homepages play a critical but different role in your marketing program. 

Let's explore. 

When to use a landing page, not a website homepage

  • Validating new ideas: No better way to run a smoke screen before launching than with a landing page. 
  • PPC campaigns (social or search): Send paid PPC campaigns to landing pages with targeted messages and offers. Keep them off your homepage (too many conversion goals). 
  • Content downloads or upgrades (content marketing): Have on-demand webinars, resource guides, whitepapers, or free tools you want to promote? Great, create a landing page for each so you can easily share them. 
  • Offline direct response promotions: Think of direct mail, radio, direct response billboards or bus stops like you would an online PPC campaign. Send them to a target lander where you can tailor the message and better measure performance. 
  • Message testing: Roll out tested and approved messages to your homepage, but do the testing on a landing page where you can control the traffic source and volume. 
  • When speed matters most: When you have to move fast, landing pages reign supreme. With a landing page builder, you can design, publish and test a lander in literal hours. 

When to use a website homepage, not a landing page

  • Organic SEO: When it comes to SEO, your homage (i.e. root domain) is the most important asset you have. It serves as the entry point to your entire website. 
  • Send organic traffic and backlinks to your homepage, not your landing pages. 
  • Contact information (phone number, email, address): Want to share boilerplate information, news or generic contact info? Keep it on the homepage. 
  • Sharing social media links: Social media icons are like holes in a bucket. Bury them in the footer of your homepage, and keep them off your landing pages entirely. 
  • Brand campaigns: Running brand campaigns (no CTAs) via TV, online video, or billboards that are designed to reach a broad audience with a universal message? Bravo, send them to your homepage. 

It depends (either or)

  • Launching a new business: If you want to move fast and validate your new business idea, use a landing page. Yes, you can have a landing page without a homepage. But if you already have a validated idea, design and development resources to build a website, and content to fill it, then go with a homepage. 

Key takeaways

Though both landing pages and homepages share some of the same DNA, and they even have some features in common, for the most part, they're two very different people on different sides of the family tree. 

Who's better? 

It depends. 

Landing pages do better for conversion rate optimization.

Homepages do better for broad, non-targeted traffic and messaging. 

Both play critical roles in your program, just in different ways. 


Why does a landing page have limited navigation?

A landing page has limited navigation to keep visitors focused on a single action, reducing distractions and increasing conversion rates. Fewer exit points mean:

  • A clearer message
  • Faster load times
  • Less decision fatigue

All of which lead to better results.

What metrics should you track when comparing homepage vs. landing page performance?

While both pages will look at metrics like conversion rates, when looking at homepage performance, you’ll also track metrics like

  • Time on site
  • Pages per session
  • Bounce rate
  • Navigation flow patterns

For landing pages, you’ll focus on

  • Cost per acquisition 
  • Form submissions

Chapter 1:
Landing Page Fundamentals

What You’ll Learn: Discover all the benefits of landing pages and how they can help improve your marketing performance faster than anything else.

Chapter 2:
Building A Landing Page

What You’ll Learn: Get the instructions on how to perfect every single element that needs to be on a landing page in order to optimize for the most conversions possible.

Chapter 3:
Landing Page Types & Examples

What You’ll Learn: There are a gazillion different types of landing pages that all serve a unique purpose. Learn about each type and see the best examples that you’ll want to copy ASAP.